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Windmill Point Beach


Windmill Point County Maritime Recreational Campus
County of Lancaster Virginia

Westland Beach at Windmill Point
On-site at 9:00 am, August 6, 2024

Also at Windmill Point Adjacencies:
Boat Launch/Ramp [Frederick Ajootian]
Kayak/Canoe Launch


August 6, 2024 [9:00 am]; A major construction project gets in full swing to protect/restore the shoreline at the new Windmill Point County Maritime Campus, providing multiple recreational and educational opportunities for the public.

The benefits of the project include:

Enhanced resiliency to storms to protect public amenities, marina and private residences.

Expanding the only county public beach by 20 times thanks to a donation of a perpetual easement by RL Property, LLC creating the only premiere Chesapeake Bay public beach in the Northern Neck.

Land for a 50-space parking lot and public restroom, thanks to a donation of a perpetual easement by The Landings Owners Association.

A 450’ long fishing and observation pier in the Rappahannock River.

Restoration and revegetation of the dunes.

Dredging of the channel to the marina and public boat ramp, providing the majority of the sand to restore the public beach.

Reestablishment of the navigation marks at the channel entrance to provide safer access to the county boat ramp and Windmill Point marina.

Amenities and features of all county parks are compliant with the American Disabilities Act.

Public benefits of $3.22 in returns to each dollar invested.

The target date for completion is the Spring of 2025.

The project was only made possible by the strong partnerships with neighboring landowners, the Virginia Marine Resources Commission, the Army Corps of Engineers and the untiring work of the county Board of Supervisors, county staff and the Access to Public Waters Workgroup.

Features of the project include:
• Off-shore breakwaters.
• Beach restoration of 16,000 cubic yards of sand.
• Restoration and revegetation of dunes.
• Plantings of native trees, shrubs and plants.
• Dredging of the channel to the marina and public boat ramp.
• Parking lot and restrooms.

“Today is an historic day for the Citizens of Lancaster County as we break ground on the first of our water access parks. Water has a unique ability to bring people together, rejuvenate the spirit, and create joyful memories. I’m excited that after decades of talking about public access to the waters here today we are making it happen.” [Jason Bellows, Board of Supervisors District 3]

“Lancaster County has 330 miles of shoreline, but very little that is available for public use. This public/private partnership between the County, Windmill Point Marina and The Landing Owners Association will help solve that problem and is a win-win for all parties by stabilizing a quickly eroding shoreline and creating an expanded public beach with a new public fishing pier. ” [Don Gill, County Administrator]

“The Landing Owners Association is pleased to partner with both Lancaster County and Windmill Point Marina on this project which will allow for improved water access and enjoyment of our beautiful community to all residents of Lancaster County.” [Edward Brewer, President, Landing Owners Association]

“Docks of the Bay is excited to be part of a project that will have such a positive impact on the community by providing access to one of Lancaster County’s greatest resources. I appreciate the Board of Supervisors vision and action to bring this project to fruition.” [Scotty George, President, Docks of The Bay]

Master Plan Design:
GuernseyTingle and Kimley-Horn & Associates

Bay Shore Design and Bay Design Group

Docks of the Bay

For more information contact:
Olivia Hall, Director of Planning and Land Use, 804-462-5220, [email protected]
John Bateman, Assistant County Administrator/Economic Development Director, 804-462-5129, [email protected]



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White Stone, US
12:50 pm, March 11, 2025
temperature icon 63°F
clear sky
Humidity 41 %
Pressure 1010 mb
Wind 5 mph
Wind Gust: 0 mph
Visibility: 10 km
Sunrise: 7:22 am
Sunset: 7:08 pm